Muttersdorf, 1733 |
Herren Herren Kreiß Haubtleüthe. ? dero Sub dato ... den 6: Habentis anni
Currentis ergangen Königs Kreisamt: Patentum samt wegen des Juden
Chaska Beer Simon Khue, der Untern dato 27te Aug Ao. 1725 publicirten
König. Kreisamt: Intimation zu wieder gelebet hatte, auch daß meine
Unrantwortung hierüber gebens solle, habe mit mehrern vernohmen, ,
worauf Excipiendo gehord. reponire, daß dieser Jud Chaska Beer Simon
Khue in Prag gebürtig, welcher keinen Bruder, noch Schwester, weder
seind seine Eltern mehr am leben, mithin hat erwehnter Jud mit Consens
der Judischen ober Instanz in Prag Vermög Capialisher beilag meines
Hiesigen Schutz Judens Oser eintzige Kündt, und Tochter namens Judas
zur ehe genommen, folgsam hat ermelten Juden Osers Tochter, weibe
allhier ein einziger Juden Sohn, welcher einen ältern Bruder dem leben,
demselben vermög Kaiserlichen, und Königlichen Allergeweuchtsamten
Verbott micht heürathen därfen, also necesario einem andern ihres Erb.
anfalls halber (massen Sie Judin daß Vatters Haus zuhossen) elligen
müssen, und obwohlen Rementionirter Jud die wohnungs gerechtigkeit in
Prag genisset, zu dem und auch all Jahr: zur Pardons Cahsam in
ordinario 3te - nacher Prag zahlet, so hat er doch selbe, nach Prag,
nicht führen därs den, sonderen sich weib seine Studia, frequentiren
zukömen, zu halb und 3/4 iahren in uno Continuo zu Prag aufgehalten,
übrigens habe dem numerum der Judenschaft nicht verstärcket, wohl aber
gemündert, under ich 3. Juden auß meinem Schutz enlassen, gleichwie neu
verhoffe, er wird diese meine wahrhaffe Exculpation statt fünden, alsto
auch mich zu dero beständigen Propension gehorsambst em, umpfehle
und Verbleibe Muttersdorf den 19te Mai ao 1733 Most esteemed gentlemen, District Captains. Regarding your letter dated ... the 6th of the current year, concerning the royal district office's patent issued in relation to the Jew Chaska Beer Simon Khue, who violated the publicized royal district office's proclamation dated August 27th, 1725, and that I should provide a response to this matter, I have further learned and hereby respond as follows: This Jew, Chaska Beer Simon Khue, is originally from Prague, has no brothers or sisters, and neither of his parents are still alive. Thus, the aforementioned Jew, with the consent of the Jewish higher authority in Prague, has, as stipulated in the accompanying capital attachment, married the only child and daughter named Judas of my local protected Jew, Oser. Consequently, the aforementioned Jew Oser's daughter, being the only Jewish son here, who has an older brother still alive, would not be allowed to marry under the imperial and royal strict prohibition. Therefore, it was necessary that she promptly wed another because of the inheritance claim (since she is a Jewess and bound to her father's house). Although the aforementioned Jew enjoys residential rights in Prague and also pays an annual 3rd pardon tax in regular intervals to Prague, he may not lead his family back to Prague. Instead, he must regularly attend to his studies, staying continuously in Prague for half and three-quarters of the year. Furthermore, he has not increased the number of Jews but rather reduced it, as I have released 3 Jews from my protection, and as I hope, this truthful explanation of mine will suffice. Thus, I humbly recommend myself to your continued goodwill and remain Muttersdorf, May 19, 1733. |
gemeinde Älteste, und beisitzer der Prager Judenschaft auf geziemendes
anlagen des Chaska, nach dem nunmehr abgelebten Beer Simon Khue,
sonsten Pollack genant gewesten Prager Juden hinterbliebener einziger
Sohn, attestiren, hiemit der Edlen wahrheit zusteier, waßmassen nach
anbefohlener, und neuttelst verserie geshwohrnen Schreibern gethanner
fleisigen unteruchung befunden worden, daß eingangs ernannter Chaska,
welcher sich auf das landt in Pilßner Kreises zuverehligen nach
obberuhrten Vatter Beer Simon Khue, oder Pollack, ein einzig-alhier
geborner Sohn seie, und sonsten kein Verheiraten Bruder hier landes
habe, wie sollches in sern Libro attestationum folio Nr. 8.
Ingrossirter zufünden, Phrkund dessen haben diesses attestation unter
der gemeinde grössern Insiegl conssent. ertheillet Actum Prag den 5te
Septembris Ao. 1729 The elders, community leaders, and associates of the Prague Jewish community, upon the proper application of Chaska, the now-deceased Beer Simon Khue, otherwise known as Pollack, a former Prague Jew, and his surviving only son, hereby certify, in the service of the noble truth, that after the required and most recently sworn scriveners' diligent investigation, it was found that the aforementioned Chaska, who resides in the Plzeň district, is indeed the only son born here of the above-mentioned father, Beer Simon Khue, also known as Pollack, and has no other married brother within this country, as is recorded in the Libro Attestationum on folio number 8. In witness of this, this attestation is issued with the greater seal of the community's consent. Executed in Prague on the 5th of September, 1729. |
Muttersdorf Muttersdorf village |
Chaßka vor 4. Jahren auß Prag dahin an deß Jud Oßers seine Tochter sich
verheirathet, und dess halbes Haus zum heirath guth bekommen. Jew Chaska married the daughter of the Jew Oser from Prague four years ago, and as a result, received a dowry consisting of half a house. |
wird von 3 Muttersdorfer obrigkeit hat Nr. 25. geantwortet, samb mit
ohne, daß dieser Jud als ein einigen Sohn des Beer Simon Khue von Prag
nach prodinirten ordnuth: attestati nacher Muttersdorf an des Oßers
Tochter mass sie des Vatters Haus zu hoffem, sich verheiratet, und
obwohlen dieser die wohnungs gerechtigkeit in Prag genusete, und zu dem
hundte auch all Jahr zur Pardons Cassam in ordinano dahin zahlen, so
hette er dorf sein weib nach Prag nicht fuhrem dörssen, sond sich ams
seine Studia frequentaein zu Kouns, zu halb- und drei viertl Jahren
bestandig zu Prag aufgehalten, ubrigens hette die Muttersdorfer
obrigkeits den 22 der Judenschafft nicht verstärcket, wohl aber geneu 3
, in dahne sie obrigkeit 3. Juden aus dem schutzentloss hatte; In response, the authorities of Muttersdorf, referenced as No. 25, stated that this Jew, being the only son of Beer Simon Khue from Prague, following the produced order of attestation, moved to Muttersdorf and married the daughter of Oser, as she stayed in her father's house. Although he enjoyed residential rights in Prague and was required to pay an annual contribution to the Pardon Fund, he was not permitted to bring his wife to Prague. Instead, he stayed in Prague for half and three-quarters of a year continuously to attend his studies. Moreover, the authorities of Muttersdorf clarified that the presence of Jews had not increased, as exactly three Jews had been released from their protection by the authorities. |