Hindle(1822),Lejzor(1826), Benjamin (1829), Gicle(1832), Ruchla(1839)
Wolf Laia (Froim)
Moszek (1800) Ryfka IMERMAN
(Herszka & Bluma)
Lejbus GRAJCAR married Sima and had children: Josek (1791) and, likely,
Wolf and Moszek (1800).
GRAJCAR married Zisla
(1800), lived in Stoczek,
and had children: Hindle (1822), Lejzor
(1826), Benjamin (1829), Gicle (1832), and Ruchla (1839). Josek died in
Stoczek in 1856 followed by Zisla in 1870.
GRAJCAR married Fajga Eta GERECHT,
daughter of
and Sura. They had children: Chaje Ester [possibly], Laia [possibly],
Josek (1859), Tema (1861), Moszek (1867),
Milka (1869), Lejzor (1872), and
Sura (1874). He died in
Stoczek in 1905 followed by Fajga in 1909.
Ester GRAJCAR married Zelek KUSMIERSK and had children: Tema Gitla
(1877), Mordko Szlama (1884), Zysla (1884), Josek (1893), and Chil
Jankel (1898).
Laia GRAJCAR married Jankel PŁATEK and had children: Lejbus (1877),
Isaac (1889), and Dawid (1893).
Josek GRAJCAR married Ruchla
Laia ZALCGENDLER and had at least six children in Stoczek: Dawid
(1880), Sura
Rywka (1884), Nachman (1884), Icek Szlama (1894), Chana Zysla (1894),
Abram Jankel (1894), and Chaia (1898).
Dawid GRAJCAR married Serka IWOWSKA, daughter of Icka
and Chana nee FINKELSZTEJN, in Stoczek in 1899 and had children: Rubin (1914).
(Grajcar) Pryzant
GRAJCAR married Srul Josel PRYZANT,
son of
Szoel and
Golda nee GUTERMAN, and had nine
children born in Łuków: Moszko Matys (1881), Szymon (1886), Abram Iczek
(1888), Rivka (1891), Pesel Gitla (1893), Chaja (1895), Hersz Jankel
(1897), Estera (1899), and Pinkus (1901). Srul died in Łuków in 1922 followed by Tema in 1933.
GRAJCAR married Ryfka SZTAJNBUCH, daughter of
Moszko and Rajzla nee GRZEBIENIARZ, in Stoczek in 1885.
GRAJCAR died as an infant in Stoczek in 1873.
GRAJCAR married Ela Rubin IZRAELCZYK, son of Aron and Ester Malka nee
in Stoczek
in 1898 and had children: Chaja (1894), Aron (1898).
GRAJCAR married Bajla FINKELSZTEJN and had
children: Chana (1851), Herszek (1852), Lejzor
(1863), Zisla (1871), Icek (1875). Benjamin died in Stoczek in
Chana GRAJCAR married twice, her second husband having
the surname FELZENSZTEJN. She died in 1908.
Herszek GRAJCAR married Sura ZABELSKA, daughter of Juda
and Beila, in Kamenets in 1875 and died in Seroczyn in 1880.
Lejzor GRAJCAR died in 1889.
Zisla GRAJCAR died as a child in Stoczek in 1873.
Icek GRAJCAR died as an infant in Stoczek in 1876.
GRAJCAR married Boruch ENGIELCZYK, son of Haskel and Ester, in Seroczyn
in 1858 and had children: Josek (1858), Szajdla (1860), Zelek (1862), Chaja Rywka (1865), and Bejla Zisla (1873).
Wolf GRAJCAR and wife Laia, daughter of Froim, had at least
one son in Stoczek near Lukow: Lejzor (1815).
GRAJCAR married Chana, daughter of Herszko, and
at least two children: Froim (1844), Dawid Wolf (1861), and Gersz Lejb.
He died in Stoczek
in 1892.
Froim GRAJCAR married Tema and had children: Fajga (1878) and Sura (1879). He died in 1907.
Fajga GRAJCAR died as an infant in Stoczek in 1879.
Sura GRAJCAR died as an infant in Stoczek in 1880.
Dawid Wolf
GRAJCAR married Tema SOSNOWICZ, daughter of Icka and Roiza nee
GOROVELOV, in Seroczyn in 1879 and had children: Josek Icek (1885), Chana Ita (1885), Moszek (1891), and Gitla
Gersz Lejb GRAJCAR married Tyla Brucha and had at least
four children: Chana Ruchla (1886), Dawid Wolf (1890), Laia (1890), and
Abram Boruch. He died in Stoczek in 1899.
Dawid Wolf GRAJCAR died in Stoczek in 1912.
Abram Boruch GRAJCAR died in Stoczek in 1891.
GRAJCAR married Ryfka IMERMAN, daughter of Herszka and Bluma, in
Jeruzal in 1824.