Genealogy Notes1 |
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ר׳ לעמיל בן ר׳ איצק רופא
מברעמסל׳ הי׳ בן מוהרר ליב רופא מן װין ור׳ איצק רופא הי׳ חתן מוהרר לעמיל לוי בן מוהרר מאדל סגל איטינגן שהי׳ בווין וזה מוהרר מאדל סגל הי׳ לו ששה בנים א מוהרר אברהם סגל שהיה בװין ב מוהרר אלי׳ מאדלש מפפ ג מוהרר שמעון דקק (ו)איטינגן אביו של ר׳ אפרים װ״ש ד מוהרר משה סגל ממיץ ה מוהרר טעבלי סגל מאיטינין ו מוהרר לעמיל סגל הנ״ל ושתי בנות אשת איצק שיף והשני׳ אשת זלמן המ גראדװאל בפפ כל זה כתב מוהרר אפרים לוי איטינגין מן װ״ש וזה ר׳ מאדל הי׳ נכד ר׳ שמעון גינצבורג ר׳ אברלי מפ״פ הי׳ בנו של ר׳ מאדל ובנו הוא פ״ו ר׳ אהרן איטינגין |
Lemel son of Reb Itzek, doctor of Przemysl, who was a son of our teacher and rabbi, Leib, doctor of Vienna. And Reb Itzek, doctor, was a son-in-law of teacher and rabbi, Lemel sg”l, son of our teacher and rabbi, Model sg”l Oettingen, who was in Vienna. And this, our teacher and rabbi, Model sg”l had six sons:
And this Reb Model was a grandson of Reb Shimon Günzburg. Reb Avrele of Frankfurt was a son of [Elia]2 Model and his [Avrele's] son is the Parnas and leader, Reb Aharon Oettingen. |
family tree
Simon Gunzburg
Description from David Kaufmann
genealogical account by Ephraim Wallerstein was held by R. Chanoch
Henoch in Gunzenhausen, - former Rabbi in Schnaittach, son of R. Jehuda
Loeb of Pfersee, the editor of the responsa and homiletic remarks of
his father and his ancestors [1] - to be worthy of inscription into his
handwritten manual of how to prepare medicines [2].For years, these tightly written notes, in lowercase letters on the upper inside edge of the book’s left cover, again and again had attracted my attention: However, confirmation of this information through other sources, was nowhere to be found. Then, the book by David Maggid in St. Petersburg on the history of the Günzburg family [3], which just was being published, finally provided the long-missing proof [for what was written by R. Chanoch Henoch in his] document. Here, Baron David Günzburg reveals the family tree that’s come into his possession from Carmoly’s estate, and in which a later descendant of Model Öttingen, Saul b. Samuel - who is the great grandson of his [Model Ö’s] grandson R. Elia Rabbi of Wengrow - lists the children of his ancestor and the full descendance from them. The transcription issues from a relative, but a still later hand here, from that of Isachar Bär b. Juhuda Lema of Rappesweier who, in Metz 1769, published his work: Jam Isachar. From two different, completely independent pages, we now glean information about the Oettingen family, which mutually confirm, illuminate and complete each other in the most desirable manner. However, R. Chanoch Henoch knows better than his [Model’s] own descendant [Saul ben Samuel], that Model Oettingen, the Levite, was not the son of the non-Levite [4] Simon Günzburg, but instead his grandson. [1] שו״ת חינוך בית יהודה und ראשית בכורים Frankfurt am Main 1708. Chanoch Henoch b. Abraham, the grandfather of the publisher, in 1659 was rabbi in Oettingen, where he approved Zebi Hirsch b. Josef’s [book] נחלת צבי [2] חלק ג׳ מספר חן וכבוד. On the title page of the manuscript in my possession, there also is written the information: נגמר ונשלם בכי טוב, ליל ד׳ ת״א [=תענית אסתר] שנת תפ״דל פה ג״ה [Completed and finished well on the 4th day of Ta’anit Esther in the year [5]484 [7 March 1724], here in Gunzenhausen]. [3] תולדות משפחות גינצבורג p. 251 ff. [4] As the Frankfurt am Main headstone inscriptions - which have existed in print since years - prove, there also were Gunzburgs who were Levites. See No. 299, 391, 473, 1254. |