
Gabriel (BECKER) ( -1798)
Reichel (1757-1806)
(Raphael {Manasses} & Goele {Salomon})
Isaac (1782-1856)
(Kalmann & Michele {Salomon})
Moses (1813), Regina (1817),
Eva (1819), Gabriel (1822),
Nathan (1826), Caroline
(Jakob {Aron, Sara} & Ester {Mayer, Judith})
Elisabetha (1833), Abraham (1835),
Johannetta (1840), Sarah (1842), Magdalena (1846)
Raphael (1784)
(Saloman & Dine {Koppel})
Gabriel, Philipp,
Regina, Sara
Fratgen (1791)
Chaim BEUTMANN (1786)
(Isaac {Jacob} & Breunle {Salomon})
Gabriel (1826)
Isaac BECKER (1759)
Hanna Zippora
(Moses {Löb} & Sara {Sender})
Gabriel (1794)
(Joseph {Isaak} & Ella {Joseph})
Isaac (1820)
Löw (1795)
(Sinai & Fradge)

Nathan (1801)
Vögilchen LICHHOLD
(Levi & Johannetta)

Barbara (1809-1851)
Jakob ROTHSCHILD ( -1883)
(Mathias {Joseph, Rechle} & Jeanette {Loeb})
Mathias (1839), Isaak (1840), Henrietta (1842),
Magdalena (1843), Joseph (1845), Jacob (1846),
Leopold (1849), Barbara (1851)
Bernard (1811-1897)
Barbara BEITMANN ( -1893)
Jacob (1839), Catherina (1842), Isaac (1845),
Helen (1848), Emma (1850), Frank (1852), Henry (1856)
Hanna (1759)
(Joseph {Isaac} & Adelheid {Jacob})

Fradchen BECKER

Isaac Becker
Isaac Becker
Nathan, son of Gabriel, married Güdel1, lived in Dörnbach, and had children: Gabriel, Isaac (1759), Hindel (1759), and, likely, Fradchen. In 1809, when Jews there were required to adopt permanent surnames, Isaac and Gabriel's sons (since Gabriel was deceased), Raphael and Isaac, took the surname BECKER (also spelled BEKER in some early records).

Research Notes

1. The source of this information is the banns for the marriage of Joseph Jacob and Gütel Feil Jacob in Dörnbach in 1826. The third document is a death record of Hanna Jacob, the deceased former wife of Joseph Jacob. The witnesses to the record are Joseph Jacob and Gabriel Becker, cousin of the deceased. Hanna is described as having died in Dörnbach house no. 86 in 1825 at 66 years old, a daughter of the deceased Nathan Gabriel of Dörnbach and his wife Güdel.

2. The primary source for some of these names is the newspaper citation in Pfälzer Zeitung (12 July 1860), which lists the children of Isaac Becker. There are two additional birth records from the register of Börrstadt, Gertruda (1822), and Ester (1824), but these have not yet been linked to one of these names.


[1] Chicago Newspaper Obituary

[2] Meites, Hyman L. History of the Jews of Chicago. Jewish Historical Society of Illinois, 1924. p. 293.

[3]  The David Gross Family Collection, D.H. Ramsey Library Special Collections, UNC Asheville 28804

[4] Chicago Tribune, November 24, 1918.

[5] Belden, Albert L. The Fur Trade of America and Some of the Men Who Made and Maintain It: Together with Furs and Fur Bearers of Other Continents and Countries and Islands of the Sea. New York: Peltries Pub. Co, 1917.

[6] Cleveland Jewish Independent, August 16, 1929.


Thank you to Nancy Grossman (, professional genealogist, for her help in uncovering the history of this family.